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The Art of Shaving

And how to shave like a pro

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There's nothing better than shaving your whole body and crawling into a nice, clean bed. And then you wake up in the morning and look like a gorilla again. If this happens to you, you need to ask yourself a few questions about your shaving routine.

What kind of shaving cream am I using?

My answer to this is none. I'm allergic to shaving cream, so I'm forced to use an alternative anyways, but I suggest everyone stays away from shaving cream. There are better alternatives to protect and moisturize your skin while shaving.

My personal favorite is hair conditioner. Lather your whole body with the thickest conditioner you can find. It'll keep your skin nice and soft, and protect it from razor burn.

Another favorite is coconut oil. It's thick and moisturizing, but not the best if you're prone to razor burn.

When I'm out of both of these, I use baby oil. CAUTION: do not use baby oil on your pubes, ladies and gentlemen. It can erode condoms, making them ineffective. But for your legs, baby oil is great.

How old is my razor?

Personally, I don't have a preference to what kind of razor I use. But the secret to a long lasting shave is how often you switch razors. I keep my razors on a cycle. When a razor is brand new, I use it to shave my bikini area. Once it's been, it can be used to shave my legs once or twice. When the razor is on it's third or fourth use, it's strictly for my underarms. At that point, the razor can be used a dozen more times before it's too dull and needs to be thrown away.

It seems like a waste of razors, right? Wrong. If you use a dull razor on delicate areas, such as your bikini area, you're more than doubling your risk of painful razor burn and cuts. It's worth it to switch out your razors.

Am I exfoliating first?

If you're not exfoliating before you shave, you're missing half of the hair. I recommend using warm water (not hot, as this can damage pores) and sugar to scrub your legs before you shave. This will open up the hair follicles, making them easier to shave.

Am I putting deodorant on my legs?

This may be the weirdest of my shaving tips, but it's by far my favorite. After you shave, apply unscented stick deodorant all over your legs. This moisturizes your skin, completely stops razor burn and keeps hair from growing back as quickly.